Monday, November 26, 2012

leaking black water valve

Steady leak from the black watetr tank because the valve is partially open

Both valves appear to be closed.  However the cable between handle and valve is disconnected.

My other 5th wheels have used threaded rod to connect the valve to the handle.
The Hitch Hiker uses cable which has become disconnected.

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There are at least 32 small hex head screws to be removed to drop the belly pan before I can even see where the cable is disconnected and why.  The pan is also at least partial sealed with some type of caulking compound.  I'm really not looking forward to working in these tight quarters.  I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Holding tank valve and LP

 I dumped our gray and black water holding tanks, as I normally do on Sundays.  When I opened the black water tank, the pull cable came loose from the valve.  That means that it doesn't fully close Which means that the liquids drain and the solids stay sitting in the bottom of the tank.  To get to the valve, I'll have to remove the 'belly pan' from the trailer.  That pan is held in place by at least 32 hex head screws and more than a little calking.  I'm holding off on starting it until after our checking account reloads.  I'm not sure what I'm going to run into when I start the project and don't want to leave it half done because of lack of funds for parts.
            Because we live full-time in our RV, we keep an Emergency Bag packed and ready to go at all times.  You never know when weather or other circumstances may require us to evacuate quickly.  Today we checked and updated what we keep in the bag.  We then put it in the truck so it was ready at all times.  
            This evening was also our Bible Study.

            2012 November 20  Tuesday:  We arived at Shady Oaks with what I thought was a nearly empty LP tank.  With the baking that we've been doing, and the occassional use of the furnace, I've expected to completly empty the tank.  Well, this morning I awoke to find the furnace fan running and no heat.  It had gotten down to 45 degrees over night and the tank was finally empty.  I manually changed the LP to the full tank.  Now I'll need to get that tank refilled.