Wednesday, May 8, 2019

2019 April 06 Saturday

2019 April 06 Saturday in Liberty Hill, Texas

66° and cloudy but it looks like we may have dodged the bullet. Yesterday they were predicting high wind and hail for us this morning.

We received rain, thunder and lightning ends as under a tornado watch area until early evening.

Pene with homemade meat sauce.

Grandson Tate had a football game today. We didn't go, assuming they it would be cancelled because of the rain and lightening. Evidently, it didn't storm where they were, about 30 miles southeast from here.

While we were eating lunch, Adam called to say that Tate's team won 24 to 0. This is their second game and they are 2 & 0. We were invited to go over and spend the afternoon.

This photo doesn't really show how hard it was to see through the rain.

We were on Ronald Reagan bulkhead when suddenly there were barricades blocking the road. I had to drive all the way back to 183 and then over to 1431. It turned a 20 mile drive into a 40 mile drive. Three red line on this map it's the alternate route.

Later we got the news report that there had been a fatal crash on the road.

Once we arrived at Adam and Leigha's we had a nice visit and played a game of Fast Track with Adam and the kids.

The storm ended and the sunn came out for a while. We came home before 5.

As we were getting out of the truck our neighbor came over and askeded to borrow my jumper cables. Then later came and all for my help th3o open the battery box on his. trailor.

Before bed I placed a frozen brisket in the crockpot on low. I don't have a smoker so the crockpot will have to do.

G'night and God bless.

Visit my daily devotions blog

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Random Thoughts/ https://thethomasewilbc

The blog that holds all of my blogs

All content (except quotations) ©2019 Thomas E. Willuams


Wednesday, May 1, 2019

2019 April 05 Friday

2019 April 05 Friday in Liberty Hill, and Marble Falls, Texas

58° and foggy and remained overcast nearly all day.

We took a pickup load of aluminum cans to Hill County Recycling in Marble Falls today.In a combined service project and fund raiser, the Grandies group collects aluminum cans and then twice a year takes them to be recycled. For those in other states, Texas doesn't have a can/bottle deposit/redemtion law. So we kept a pickup load of cans out of the trash and earned us a whopping $17.10 to use toward Grandies ministries.But now for the alternative reason to go to Marble Falls, PIE!

Okay, now the third reason, time with friends.

A huge ball of fire slowly crashed to earth and set the horizon on fire! Oh wait ... this just in ... it was the sun.G'night and God bless.Visit my daily devotions blog

My sermons blog

Random Thoughts/ https://thethomasewilbc h9liamsnewsletter.wordpress.comThe blog that holds all of my blogs

All content (except quotations) ©2019 Thomas E. Willuams
