Saturday, February 9, 2019

2019 February 09 Saturday

2019 February 09 Saturday in Liberty Hill, Texas

29° one degree warmer than yesterday. And got to 36. It's a warming trend ... It must be global warming! Grin. Seriously though, it is supposed to very slowly keep warming all day and through the night.

Rudolf the red nosed pickup was coated in ice from the freezing rain last night/early this morning.

These photos were shot through the bedroom window. I'm not going outside for awhile (if ever) today because the deck and stairs are also coated with ice. I'm old and brittle ... can't risk a fall.

Here are photos of the deck.

I made some Irish soda bread today. Since it was a cold day, I'd baked a breakfast casserole that we had for brunch. While it was baking, I prepared the soda bread. Once the casserole was done, I cranked the oven too 425° and put the soda bread in to bake. It turned out very well, if I do say so myself.

We played games and Ella beat me every single time.

Neither of us ventured out the door today

Ella is healing nicely. She is ante to dress and undress herself most of the time now. She can get into the truck by herself, though I still stand behind her to make sure sheer doesn't fall backward. I then help her with the seatbelt.

G'night and God bless.

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