Thursday, January 17, 2019

2019 January 17 Thursday1

2019 January 17 Thursday in Liberty Hill and Cedar Park, Texas

53° and partly cloudy start to the day.

Day two with Ella's new shoulder. Neither of us slept long (3-4 hours) she however had deep sleep (thank you pain meds) and I had light sleep.[caption width="1931" align="aligncenter"][/caption]

My bed

Yesterday she had very little (uncontroled) pain. This morning was different and she called requesting relief. She has a line with a nerve block that will stay in until all of the medicine is gone, which will probably be sometime on Saturday. In the photo below you can see the bag under her left arm that contains the medicine. And, of course, the sling for her right arm.

It was approaching 12:30 and we were packed and ready to go, just awaited the "get out out jail free card" from the doctor. The physical therapist was in and instructed Ella in what to do and not do. She managed tho dress herself with only minor adjustments from me.

It was about 3:30 when she was released. Ella was given 3 prescriptions which I took to the Wal-Mart pharmacy. It was a nice day (73° and sunny) duo Ella elected to remain in the truck. The pharmacy could fill 2 of the orders but the third presented a problem. The way the script was written, Ella could take 12 pills a day. Wal-Mart's policy only allowed 10 a day.

They contracted the doctor's office but got no reply. They told me I could get out tomorrow. I told them that out was unacceptable. This was the pain pills that she would need too get through the night. I tried to get them to sell me just enough for the might. Couldn't wouldn't.

They tried a second time to reach the doctor. No response. I told them to keep trying and to call when they received the okay.

I went out to the truck and explained to Ella what was going on. I had just started backing out of theparking spot, when the pharmacy called. They had the okay Ann's the meds would be ready in 15 minutes.

Ella needed to use the bathroom so she went in with me this time. We got the pills.

Charlotte, a friend from church, called tho say that she was bringing fried chicken to its as soon as we could get home. I had just finished unloading the truck when Charlotte arrived. It's nice to have thoughtful friends.

Ella was more comfortable in the recliner than the bed. So we are sleeping inn our recliners tonight.

Goodnight and God bless.

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