Tuesday, January 8, 2019



Shortly after 4 in the morning Ella said, "The fire department is out here."

"In the park?" I asked.


"Is there a fire?"

"I don't think so."

My first thought was we don't have a WUSH* bag! It was a totally selfish thought. But to my credit I did send up a prayer for our neighbor.

Before last night I had never heard of a WUSH* bag. I had just started to repack our "to go bag" that I wrote about back in December in an article titled "WHEN THE WOLF COMES".

Back in December we unexpectedly spent the night at a son's house. With the to go bag I was sure we had a change of clothing with us. What I found was that everything in the bag was soaking wet. That's not a good thing for an emergency situation. Fortunately, all we had to do was run them through the dryer and we were good to go.

Having discovered a gapping hole in our preparedness, I decided that it was time to reevaluate things. One thing I wanted to do was increase our clothing allotment from two days to a week. That would mean a larger bag. While we're at it, I want to make his and hers bags. To that end we drove into Austin Texas and visited an Army Navy surplus store. I purchased two duffle bags. One for Ella and one for me. This time things will be sealed in plastic trash bags and then into the duffles.

I made an executive decision to order new socks, underwear, and t-shirts rather than take them from my existing supply. I have also ordered 72 hours worth of freezedried meals (just add hot water).

I had also ordered an emergency radio which serendipitously arrived today. It is AM/FM/Weather radio. It is solar and/or hands powered. Beside the radio there is a light and an USB outlet for a changing our cellphones etc.

Here is a website I found some great items on.


Since I was beginning again with updated to-go bags, I did some online reading and found out about WUSH* bags. They are less of a to-go-bag and more of a grab-and-run-bag. Something to have next to your bed or the front door.

Here is a suggested list for your WUSH* bag.


cell phone (and/or backup dumb phone),

backup USB battery and charging cables,

house & car key copies,

backup USB drive (4GB or greater!),

backup printed documents,



old prescription glasses


miscellaneous little things me relevant to you.
That's it! Go make yours now.

And here is what the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) recommends for your personal "to-go-bag" Basic Emergency Supply Kit.

✓ Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three day!for drinking and sanitation.

(Ordered) Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food.

✓ Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries for both

✓ Flashlight and extra batteries

✓ First aid kit

Whistle to signal for help

✓ Dust mask, to help filter contaminated air and
✓ plastic sheeting

✓ duct tape

✓ Moist towelettes,

✓ garbage bags and plastic ties

✓ Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities.

✓ Can opener for food (if kit contains canned food)

While at Home Depot this afternoon, I purchased dust masks, plastic sheeting, and duct tape. These were items that I didn't have in our to-go bag previously. I also purchased a five gallon bucket with lid. The bucket wasn't on FEMA's list but is on mine along with Dawn dish soap, wash cloths, towels and toiletries.

*Wake Up Something is Happening!

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Random Thoughts https://thethomasewilliamsnewsletter.wordpress.com/

Daily journal https://rvingfulltimewithtomandella.com/

All content (except quotations) ©2019 Thomas E. Williams

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