Tuesday, January 8, 2019

2019 January 05 Saturday


2019 January 05 Saturday in Liberty Hill, Texas

34° and a clear sky to start the day.

I slept in today. I was awakened by Ella's alarm at seven. There really was no reason for the alarm, as we have nothing on our calendar that we have to do today. That's not to say we have nothing to do. November and December were such busy months that a lot of housework was neglected.

I have a shelving unit to put together. I will go in our storage shed. It should help with organization out there and maybe move more stuff out of our living space.

What I discovered when I began assembling the shelving was that it was too tall for the shed. No problem. I just made two units out of it. I only wish that I had one more shelf for the second half a unit.

Speaking of living spaces, Ella's and I have seriously considered a tiny house. We've looked at premade shells/sheds and sketched out plans on how we would arrange them.

One of the drawbacks has been a place to put one. We own no land. Well the Stocktank RV park, where we live most of the year, has allowed one person to place a house on a space. Unfortunately (in our opinion) the house is too wide for the space. It comes within inches of the neighbor's steps. In other words, it is occupying a space and a half or more.

Now I realize that we already live in a tiny home (our fifth wheel trailer) but that doesn't keep us from dreaming about that little house.

I was writing sometime back on one of my blogs about being prepared for emergencies. I stated that we have, for years now, kept a "to go bag" packed and in our truck. Back in December we unexpectedly spent the night at a son's house. With the bag I was sure we had a change of clothing with us. What I found was that everything in the bag was soaking wet. That's not a good thing for an emergency situation. Fortunately, all we had to do was run them through the dryer and we were good to go.

Having discovered a gapping hole in our preparedness, I decided that it was time to reevaluate things. One thing I wanted to do was increase our clothing allotment from two days to a week. That would mean a larger bag. While we're at it, I want to make his and hers bags. To that end we drove into Austin today and visited an Army Navy surplus store. I purchased two duffle bags. One for Ella and one for me. This time things will be sealed in plastic trash bags and then into the duffles.

I had also ordered an emergency radio which serendipitously arrived today. It is AM/FM/Weather radio. It is solar and/or hands powered. Beside the radio there is a light and an USB outlet for a changing our cellphones etc.


God bless you.

Visit my daily devotions blog https://MusingsDevotions0.wordpress.com/

And my sermons blog http://ThomasEWilliams.blogspot.com/?m=1l

Random Thoughts https://thethomasewilliamsnewsletter.wordpress.com/

All content (except quotations) ©2019 Thomas E. Williams

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